- I'm a little nervous, all right?
- I know. Sorry.
- All got your seat belts on?
- Dad!
All right, here we go.
- All right!
- Yeah!
- All right!
- Can't wait to swim in the ocean.
OK, OK! Next stop, Citrus Cove, Florida.
- Daddy, I have to pee.
- Now I know what I forgot.
- He didn't say how many rooms?
- It's three bedrooms and on a beach.
- It was real nice of Hal to find it for us.
- And to point out I'm cracking up.
You are not cracking up.
You just need a rest.
Didn't we just get back from Hawaii?
Jack, that was our honeymoon.
Yeah. Hey, this might be fun.
Rise and shine, everybody! We're here!
- Hey, look! Water!
- Dad, can we go swimming?
- Look at the water! It's beautiful!
- I told you I'd find Florida.
Now all you have to do
is find Citrus Cove.
Found it.
- Beach Lane. Good navigating, honey.
- Thank you.
- What are we looking for?
- 411, 411...
415! This is it.
Oh, my! Hal is a friend.
It's two storeys, it's redwood...
It's got balconies!
Can I have a balcony room, please?
- This is great!
- Goodness!
- Watch me! OK, Dad, here I go.
- This is gorgeous.
It really is very lovely.
I hope the keys are in the mailbox.
There they are, just like the old man said.
All right, let's go! Come on!