It's OK, it's OK!
Excuse me, weren't we next?
You are. Your table should be ready
very shortly, sir.
- What about the group that just went in?
- Mr Pellet had a reservation, so...
- I thought you don't take reservations.
- We don't, except for Mr Pellet.
I'm sure we'll have a table for you
any moment.
I see several of them are drinking
their coffee. Why not look at the menu?
I know what we're having. Lobster!
- Bravo.
- Bravo.
- I took care of everything. We're next.
- Thanks, sweetie.
Nobody tells me I can't sit.
Sit when I want to.
We're next. Sit next.
No need for those. What do you say,
let's all have the lobster.
Show us what you got.
And Stan, no arguments.
This dinner...
...is on you.
He thought
I was going to say on me! Huh?
Wait a minute...
Maybe they're just
taking them for a walk.
- Look at these beauties!
- Don't serve those.
- What?
- These are mine.
- Yours?
- You got my table, but not my lobsters.
This is your table?
My table!
I see.
This is your table.
- These are your lobsters.
- You got it.
I suppose this is your wife?
- Is this your tie?
- No.
Is this your shirt? Is this your belt?
Are these your shorts?
I've driven all day. We just get into town,
wait in line for two hours...
You just got into town?
Well, I've been in town for 30 years.
30 years! Every summer, you renters
think you can take over the town.