Summer Rental

You have an ice cube for this?
You're wrong! You're wrong!
I've tried to tell you that,
as a fighter, pound for pound,

my boy, Jimmy Cagney,
will disintegrate your Sylvester Stallone!

- He'll knock his block off!
- In a street fight, maybe.

I give you that. But not in a movie!
Especially with today's cinemanatic
progress. It's technologically impossible!

- Do you have any more oyster crackers?
- You ate them all!

They were so good. I'll have another
beer. They're filling, aren't they?

Más cerveza!
Yeah, it's probably better for me.
Good shot.
OK, count them up.
- Who threw this one?
- Blue, that's you.

- All right, I win.
- Big winner there, Scull-man!

I love you, Scully. I mean that.
It's not the booze talking, either.

Sorry I wrecked your boat.
Let me pay for it.

She's fine. It'll give her more character.
I'm at fault for not giving you that lesson.
You're not at fault. I am! I'm the one
who said I could sail. I can't sail.

I don't know... I used to sail
when I was a kid, but I can't sail.

Do you know what it's like to peak
when you're 18 years old?

Yes, I do.
Would you like to learn to sail?
Really to sail?

- Yeah?
- Yeah.
