Have a good time. Be careful.
- Come on.
- Hey, listen. Stiles.
- Is there a rash going around?
- Why, you wanna catch one?
- I'm serious.
- No...
...but I heard Mr Murphy,
the shop teacher...
...got his dick caught
in a vacuum cleaner.
Forget I asked.
- Stiles, you're crazy.
- No, not crazy. It's perfect.
Now you just stick this in your pocket like this.
You don't say anything except:
"Give me a keg, buddy."
Pay for it so he can't say you robbed him.
You know I'd do this myself,
but that old guy already kicked me out.
Give me the gun.
Give me the money.
- I'm gonna try and buy it. That's it.
- He's a ball buster and it won't work.
- (Stiles) It won't work.
- That's it.
Never say...
No, not that. No, I think I'll leave it.
No, thanks a lot anyway. Bye.
Do you have any more of that liqueur?
My sister really liked that.
Yes, thank you.
(dark-haired woman)
Hey, Debbie, are you coming?
(rapid heartbeats)
- I'd like a keg of beer, please.
- You don't say.
- Yeah, how much is that?
- Do you have any ID, sonny?