Teen Wolf

- It's kinda funny that you got me.
- I lied. I got Malcolm.

Malcolm's a good guy.
You can come a little closer.
I promise I won't bite.

(all) Go, go, go...
Take this cup to Thorne's house,
tell him you're from the Board of Health

and you want to check his... blood sugar.
- Boof, I feel kind of weird.
- How do I feel?

- What is this?
- You gotta see this.

See what? I don't see anything.
Come on.

(Boof) Arert you getting a little bit rough?
Hey, your fingernails!
(hand slaps face)
It's awful quiet in there.
(all) Oooh!
Do you guys think they're dead?
There's only one way to find out.

So, tell us.
What's it like coming out of the closet?
