I don't get it. What's their problem?
Let me give you some advice.
I have three rules:
Get 12 hours of sleep, don't play cards
with a guy whose name is also a city
and avoid ladies with dagger tattoos.
Stick with that
and everything else is cream cheese.
Great game there, Scottie.
Thanks, coach.
(Scott) Whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Where did you get this?
- We traded in the Nova. Even swap.
- How much extra did you pay for this?
- Even swap.
For certain considerations.
Lookey here!
- Stiles.
- Hey, surfs up?
Yeah, surf is definitely up.
Let's go pick up Lewis, OK?
What? What is it with Lewis?
He's avoiding me, right?
He's scared of me.
We've got fine wheels, good tunes
and a total disregard for public safety.
You're right. OK, let's go. Surfs up.
Wait a minute.
These waves are mine.
(@ 'Surfir U.S.A.', The Beach Boys)