The Falcon and the Snowman

Do you know the restaurant
in San Francisco?

No, but I know the restaurant
in Los Angeles.

I'd like you to get into the habit
of calling me Pedro.

- OK.
- And I'll call you...

Luis. Very good.
There's an interesting article
in my newspaper, Luis. Any in yours?

- Several.
- Wonderful.

Maybe I should read them... now.
- First rate!
- It was a pleasure to meet you.

- Enjoy the rest of your vacation.
- You too, Pedro. Adiós.

If I don't show up within 30 minutes,
something went wrong

and we'll try again next month.
Now, Luis, I must stress this.
Never come to the embassy again.
It's watched by you know who.
First time you had to. I understand that.

From now on, it can't happen.
- You know Oswald?
- Lee Harvey Oswald?

He visited the embassy here. The CIA
has a picture of him on the grounds.

- They photograph everybody. Promise.
- Cross my heart.

Good. So you understand.
When you've got something for me,
make an X

at the junction of Juárez and Peralta.
First Monday of the month.
We'll be in touch.

- Tuesday.
- Did I say Monday? I meant Tuesday.
