"is fundamentally inferior...
"and biologically aberrant
to the female.
- Therefore -"
- Bloody rubbish.
- It's only a joke.
- Ajoke?
You mustn't take it too seriously.
What do you mean? What she's saying
is that technically speaking...
men don't count as human beings.
- Balls!
- She wants us dead. Don't you understand?
It's the quarterly bulletin
of the Crouch End Women's Collective.
- It's a period piece.
- She wants us dead.
What about you?
Fancy a drop of the proper stuff?
I'll stick with this.
Why are you drinking so much?
What's the matter with you?
I don't know.
I should be on top of the world.
Susan and the children move back in
at the weekend.
That's good, isn't it?
I thought she was setting the lawyers on you.
She did.
Said she'd done it
just to jerk my lead.
- What?
- Jerk my lead!
- She said that?
- Yeah.
I can't understand what you've
been so miserable about.
I quite like being footloose
and fancy-free...
not having those three little sods
bouncing up and down on my bed...
at 6:00 yelling their heads off
every morning.
So what you're saying is I should be
enjoying myself, is that it?
Of course.
This party, for example.
Carte blanche.
All this time, Creighton,
and you still don't bloody know me, do you?
Come on.
There must be some compensations.
No, there aren't!