Now, this is important.
Absolutely no reaction.
- Oh, my God.
- What's the problem?
- I thought solicitors weren't allowed in court.
- County court they can.
Don't worry.
We've got her over a barrel.
Want to come in this time?
- I didn't think-
- I'm sure we could swing it.
You've done so much, seems unfair
to make you miss all the fun. Leonard.
- Go straight up.
- Can we use an unpaid clerk?
I suppose so. Sit next to me.
Don't say a word.
Bow to the judge
when we arrive.
Your Honor, uh, may I have a word
with my learned friend?
- Very well, Miss Powell.
- Thank you.
What the hell do you think you're doing?
If I were to report you,
your feet wouldn't touch the ground.
You're not going to be boring
about this, are you, Janie?
When you're ready, Miss Powell.
Yes, Your Honor.
So, Your Honor...
on the one hand we have the father...
a man with a record of 15 years' service
to his profession.
On the other hand, the mother...
who also possesses a record
of sorts.
Sent down from university
for a prank involving narcotics.
Suspended sentence
for disorderly conduct...
at an antigovernment demonstration,
March, 1971.