The Goonies

Flunking your driver's test?
I don't know what to do with you.

You guys, let me in!
Jerk alert.
It's Chunk.
I just saw the most ama in my entire life!
First, do the Truffle Shuffle.
Come on!
Do it.
Come on!
Do it!
Cut it out, Mouth.
Get out.
Thanks a lot.
You, guys, you won't believe me.

I'm telling the truth.
You turd!
- Flunked your driver's test.
- Shut up.

Listen, you'll never believe me.
There was two cop cars, okay?

They were chasing this four-wheel
deal, a real neat ORV.

Bullets flying everywhere. It was
the most ama
More ama Michael Jackson used your bathroom?
More ama those old people from that fire?
More ama weight in Godfather's pi
Okay, Michael Jackson didn't come to
my house to use the bathroom.

But his sister did.
Okay, Data, don't mess this one up.
Prepare for the Wings of Flight.
- Open the door!
- Mikey!

The screen door!
