I know. Get over here.
Hold this.
Why me, Mike?
Thanks for taking us up here.
There's a real big ball...
...and it's got this thing...
What are you doing?
Mike found a map.
And look. That says "1632".
Is that a year?
No. It's your top score
on Pole Position.
Yes, it's a year.
It's a map of our coastline.
What's all that Spanish junk
right there?
Mouth, you said you can translate.
Yeah, translate it.
"Ye intruders beware.
Crushing death and grief...
...soaked with blood
of the trespassing thief".
This map is old news.
Everybody went looking for that
when our parents were our age.
Haven't you heard of him?
What's his name?
The pirate guy. One-Eyed Willy.
One-Eyed Willy!
The most famous pirate in his time.
My dad told me all about him.
Dad'll do anything
to put you to sleep.
No! See, One-Eyed Willy
stole a treasure once.
And it was full of rubies
and emeralds...
And diamonds?
And diamonds. Then he loaded it
onto his ship...
...and sailed away into the sunset.
Until the British king found out
about it...
...and sent out his whole armada
to go after him.
It took them a couple of weeks
to catch up with Willy.
Then there was a whole big war...
...between the armada
and Willy's ship, the Inferno.
During the firefight, there were...
...guns and cannons bursting
here and there.
Then Willy fled, because he knew
he'd get killed if he stayed around.
And then he got into this cave...