Come on, Brand, slip her the tongue.
That's disgusting.
No, I can't even look.
Get me up, guys!
One, two, three.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
Can't you smell it, guys?
One-Eyed Willy really is down here.
We're walking right above...
I'm gonna build one like this one.
- Come on, we can do it.
- No, wait a minute.
Right about here must've been when we
said we gotta get to the lowest spot.
What are you two talking
to each other about, Mikey?
What the hell are you doing?
You're going to lose your fist!
What are you doing? Give me that.
There's nothing buried there.
This is the 20th century!
- The map says there is.
- Get off it! There's nothing...
Lookit! I got an idea.
Let's put chocolate all over the floor
and let Chunk eat through it.
Okay, Mouth, that's all I can stand.
And I can't stand no more!
I got it! I got it! I got it!
- I don't got it.
- You klutz.
Hope it's not a deposit bottle.
This is ridiculous.
I feel like I'm babysitting,
except I'm not getting paid.
- Listen to that.
- What?
Sounds like my grandfather
taking a leak. Thrillsville.
No, it's deep.
Like there's a hole
or a passageway. Real deep.
Get out of the way.
- Brand is being so sweet to me.
- Oh, come on!
You're in the clouds,
and we are in a basement!
I told you!
Told you! I told you!
I can feel the air.
There's something down there.
It might be a treasure or something.