Empty your pockets!
Hurry up, empty your jewels! Come on!
You're so quiet all of a sudden.
Aren't you called Mouth?
Oh, my God.
Is that all?
Oh, my God.
You gross old witch.
You want to play pirate?
We'll play pirate. March!
- Keep going, smarty.
- I can't swim with my hands tied.
We'll play pirates. Walk the plank!
Get out on that plank.
- Say goodbye to your little friends.
- Brand!
Get out of the way.
Who's next?
Ow, will you stop pushing me?!
- You're pulling my hair!
- You get that girl away from me.
Go join your friends, you weasels.
Hey, you guys!
Sloth! How'd he get out?
Sloth, save them!
Save them, it's Mouth and Stef!
- Chunk.
- No, it's Captain Chunk.
Give me the sword.
Captain Chunk says let's get the hell
out of here!