Look at these guys, Colton.
No sheep is safe tonight.
We split it right down the middle,
Colton. 50-50.
What are you talking about?
Don't play stupid with me, partner.
The Jewel.
And don't you even think of
messing with me.
Oh, what's that I hear?
A heart breaking? You sap!
Keep your mind on business.
You'll wind up getting yourself killed
over some broad who dumped you.
Oh, Omar!
I want you lot to be careful!
See that word "Fragile" on the side?
It means don't drop... Why don't you listen?
I might love your country, your culture,
and even your people! That means I love you!
But you drop one more of my boxes,
and I'll smash your bloody face in!
You tell Omar, right - Omar -
that his special-effects wizard has arrived!
Come on, then.