- Oh. Broadway Bachelors, right? Right?
-Yeah, well... You know...
- Honeymoon in Haiti?
- I've done six.
- You were a scream.
- Thank you. Thank you very much.
I try to do one a year,
you know, just to keep...
Where's Tom?
- Why?
- Well, he's my character. I created him.
Didn't the man
who wrote the movie do that?
Yes, technically.
But I made him live. I fleshed him out.
But you did a wonderful job.
He's adorable.
Thank you very much.
- What's your name?
- Cecilia.
- Where is he?
- Why?
- Has he done anything wrong?
- Wrong? Like what?
Has he stolen anything
or attacked any females? You?
No. Gosh, no, no.
He's as sweet as can be.
- I played him sweet. I was well reviewed.
- Well, it comes across.
- Good. Look, I gotta speak to him.
- You're not upset with him?
Well, a little, yes. But if I spoke to him,
we could straighten everything out.
- Oh, I don't know.
- Please. I have a right.
Well, it has to be secret. He doesn't
wanna have to go back into the movie.
- He doesn't?
- No, he loves being free.
- He's having the time of his life.
- Oh, my God.
Would you take me to him?
Trust me. Please.
Monk, somebody saw your wife last night
at the Dine and Dance joint.
She's there every night
with the Rockefellers.
She was with this crazy-looking guy
wearing an explorer's hat and breeches.
Breeches? You know, you're nuts.
- She was baby-sitting.
- Right. I guess you know it all.
All right. Who's next?