I want to be with Cecilia.
I'm in love with her.
Tell him to go back.
Tell him you don't love him.
You can't. He's fictional. You wanna
waste time with a fictional character?
You're a sweet girl. You deserve a human.
- But Tom's perfect.
-Yeah, but he's not real.
What good is perfect
if the man's not real?
I can learn to be real. There's nothing to it.
Being real comes very naturally to me.
You can't learn to be real.
It's like learning to be a midget.
- Some of us are real, some are not.
- I say I can do it.
I'm not gonna argue with you.
I'm going back to town.
I'm gonna call my attorney,
the actors' union.
I won't take this lying down.
Nor will Raoul Hirsch.
Nor the police, nor the FBI.
Yes. Yes, we found him.
Gil Shepherd found him.
But he refuses to get back
on the screen. RH is very upset.
No, no, we can't force him.
It's not a crime.
We need a plan.
Yeah, the press is on our side.
It took a few bucks, but they're
gonna keep it quiet for now.
The Tom Baxter in a movie house in
Chicago has been forgetting his lines.
We just got a call from the manager.
If anybody wants me, I'll be
in the bathroom, on the floor, weeping.
Aren't you at all even worried?
What about Raoul Hirsch and the FBI?
- If I can be with you, I'm not going back.
- But I...
No more buts. I was gonna learn
about the real world with you. Show me.