- I met Tom out at the amusement park.
- Oh, no. That's my hat.
Uh, yes, I was thinking about something.
- I can imagine.
- Two of us at the same time?
I was thinking about deep things.
About God and his relation
with Irving Sachs and RH Levine.
I was thinking about life in general.
The origin of everything we see about us.
The finality of death and how almost
magical it seems in the real world,...
..as opposed to the world
of celluloid and flickering shadows.
- Where did you find this clown?
- For example, the miracle of birth.
I suppose
some of you ladies are married?
- Not any more.
- No?
Then the absolutely
astonishing miracle of childbirth...
..with all its attendant feelings
of humanity and pathos.
- I stand in awe of existence.
- Do you wanna tie me up?
- Tie you up?
Oh, that's very funny.
A nice sense of humour.
The absurd non sequitur.
- What's your name, sweetheart?
- Martha.
That's the same
as the ambassador's wife.
- Why didn't you bring the ambassador?
- Well, he's still up on the screen.
But do you share my sense of
wonderment at the very fabric of being?
The smell of a rose.
Real food. Sensuous music.
- I've got a child.
- You do?
Oh, I see. You're a widow. Oh, poor thing.
I got two kids and he's right about
giving birth. It is a beautiful experience.
I never had a baby.
I was pregnant, but I lost it.
- Sorry to hear that, Emma.
- It always makes me cry to think about it.
You'll get another chance. I'd be surprised
if all you ladies weren't married soon.
Especially by the way you dress.
It's so seductive to a man.
- Do you like these stockings, Tom?
- Oh, they're just divine.
What kind of a club is this, anyhow?
- God, Tom, you're a scream.
- He's terribly sweet.
He is. I wouldn't mind
doing him for nothing.
- Me neither. Plus, he's cute.
- OK. You can count me in.