It looked like you loved her.
Oh, my goodness.
- Feel my heart.
- Oh, I...
I... I have to...
Thank you so much for the ukulele.
- Oh, don't be offended. I didn't mean...
- I'm not offended. I'm just confused.
I'm married. I just met a wonderful man.
Fictional, but you can't have everything.
- Look, can I see you later?
- No, no. I'm meeting Tom.
My own creation plagues me.
- Anything happening out there?
- No.
Life is amazing.
One minor character takes some action
and the world is turned upside down.
What if he never comes?
We just drift till they shut the projector?
- Will you shut up?
- He'll be back. I feel it.
I don't wanna sit around.
That's what they want.
- Who?
- The bosses.
Look at us! Sitting around,
slaves to some stupid scenario.
Meanwhile, fat cats in Hollywood
are getting rich on our work.
- Please, stop it.
- Studio heads, writers, movie stars.
- Stop it.
- But we're the ones who sweat.
- We're the characters on the screen.
- You're a Red.
I say unite, brothers,
unite and take action.
- Shut up and sit down!
- What action?
- You're working my last nerve.
- Wait. Shut up.
What if all this is merely semantics?
- How can it be semantics?
- Well, let's just readjust our definitions.
Let's redefine ourselves
as the real world...
..and them as the world
of illusion and shadow.
You see? We're reality, they're a dream.
You'd better calm down. You've been
up on the screen flickering too long.
- It's confirmed.
- I was afraid this might happen.
Tom Baxter tried to leave the screen
in St Louis, Chicago, Denver and Detroit.
- And he almost made it in Detroit.
- It looks bad.
The movie houses in those towns
are in pandemonium.