oh deary mine, it's Beast Island!
Beast Island!
why would the horde take captors to that terrible place?
I heard rumors that they have a prision there.
if that where He-man is, let's go!
save your strenght stranger
that force field is program to resist even your power
I'm Adora, force captain Adora
and your name?
my name is He-man
that sword you carry intrigues me He-man
it feels as if it would made just for me
i thought it was
and now you don't?
it was to give that force to someone who serves the forces of good
but you... you serve the forces of evil
evil? you are the one who serve evil rebel
I serve the wrath for rule of the Etheria
You can't believe that
have had you seen how the horde trades people?
I spend most of my life training in the Fright Zone
It's been a little time to see the rest of Etheria
Then why don't you do it? Now
or are you afraid of learning the true about the horde
I'm afraid of nothing
then you'll go?
I'll think about it.
there it is! Beast Island
I'll tell Madam to get set for landing
oh, how lovely way to travel, don't you thing Proom?
Beast Island just ahead
You better... oh oh.. we've got trouble