now to find our friends
I have enough of this place
I find it rather unpleasant myself
some rescue!, all we did was capture outselves
time to go folks
the alarm! let's move
He-man and the rebels... they are free!
what?? recapture them at once!
all troopers at corridor nine
rebels escaping!
which way?
we have to get to a flyer
it's our only way to get out the island
I believe the Horde's landing path is to our right
right it is, oh oh...company
there they are!
better clear the way...
let's go!
you know? for the first time
I beginning to enjoy this!
this works like it
He-man, look!
I...don't...believe it
He-man...come on!
take off and wait for me outside
I have one more little job to do
don't be long
Grizzor has failed
this He-man is too powerful
but my magic will deal with him