I have to catch up with their friends
before I get inside the Fright Zone
blast!, that was the last person were in the dungeons
we need more power!
guards, take him away and find me another rebel
I must have more prisioners!
the patrol shall be returning
in any moment Hordac
perhaps they've have capture more rebels for you
are they inside yet?
let me check...
yes, there they come now
but I see no prisioners
the incompetent fools
they failed to capture more rebels
and now they have lost one of their own men
no, here it comes now
he must have been struggling
wait, that man is no trooper
it's that rebel warrior again!
well, he shall not escape this time
I'll stop him once and for all
let us not be so hasty
this boy is a source of great power
if we capture him
he will supply the Magnabeam
with all the energy at least
and with the Magnabeam charged...
I'll sent the rebels to a place
where they'll never bother me again
the rebel is inside the Fright Zone now Hordac