I don't understand this
you said you're my sister
but... I never had a sister
I know how you feel
I never dreamed I had a brother
but when the woman in the sword told me so
I just knew that was true
woman in the sword?, that must been the Sorceres
let me have your sword
can you hear me?
greetings He-man
and to you too She-ra
I see you have completed your task He-man
yes, but there's still so much we don't know
then listen
and I shall tell you all
many years ago twins were born to Randor
King of Eternia
and his Queen, Marlena
those babies were you Adam, and Adora
my parents... my real parents
to have two such fine children
but great joy to the King and Queen
but that joy was soon to turn to sorrow
and the cause of that sorrow
was the force from another dimension
a force known as the Horde
the Horde? on Eternia?
lead by a vicious tiran called Hordac
the Horde attempted to conquer Eternia
but they were not match for your father's brave soldiers
and the magic of Castle Grayskull
so Hordac have to
he knew you were both a destiny for something special
though he did not know exactly what
so he rept into the palace
determined to steal you both away
with his favorite pupil... Skeletor
so Skeletor was originally a member of the Horde
Hordac had just lifted a doll from the cradle
and was about to take adam too
when Man-at-arms enter the nurse room
Man-at-arms tried to stop him