Get the 50s ready, guys.
Gilbert. Booze. Free for me.
-Did you bet with me or against me?
-Against you.
-You blew it.
-Against you.
Okay, you guys!
It's the moment of truth here.
-Oh, shit.
-Come on!
I told you guys,
never bet against me.
Come on, Petievich,
get a half a yard in here.
To my partner, Jimmy Hart...
...whose skill in spotting bad paper
is only exceeded by his expertise...
-...in rigging a safety line.
-Hear, hear!
How about a speech, boss? Speech.
You know, I've been in
this racket 25 years, you guys.
And I don't think anybody...
...has been put in harm's way
more than I have...
-...by this hotshot over here. But--
-Don't know how you work with him.
Seriously speaking, if I'm
going in to bag somebody...
...there's nobody I'd rather have
backing me up.
All right! Hear, hear!
Later, Alvarez. Next time
you can make a jump with me.
-Come on. It's the same thing in your work.
You push too hard. You take it too
personally. You'll never reach retirement.
-I'm not interested in retirement.
-Such a hot dog. See you later.
Hey, come here, come here.
Got something for you.
Fucking Alvarez trying to pass
a funny 50 on us, huh?
Your retirement present.
-You trying to get rid of me?
-It was burning a hole in my truck.
That's a beauty, Richie.
They tell me the trout
jump all over it.
-You gonna let me use it?
-Come and see me, you can use it.