To Live and Die in L.A.

How you making it?
Like every other swinging dick
in this place makes it:

Day by motherfucking day.
Ulcer acting up?
I want to know when
you're gonna get me out.

I want you to be patient a little longer, Carl.
I got caught carrying for you.
Now it's my turn
for some consideration.

You have my word, you won't do
the whole nickel.

-What does that mean?
-Grimes is the best lawyer in the state.

It'll either be an appeal bond
or a sentence reduction.

And the check is in the mail and I love you
and I promise not to come in your mouth.

I'm doing everything I can.
...we gotta talk about Waxman.
Well, what about him?
He was your last stop before the airport.
What are you saying?
He said you never delivered
the package.

What do you mean?
He says I--? He never got it?

I counted out 600 grand
right there on his desk.

I had it wrapped in $10,000 packages
like you told me.

He put it in a safe right behind his desk.
He said you called, postponed delivery...
...and the next thing he heard,
you were busted.

He's a lying son of a bitch!
He's probably the motherfucker
who did me.

He ratted me to the feds.
I'll kill him when I get out.

I'm gonna give that fucking scumbag
a serious headache.

May God strike me dead
if I don't waste him.

Your visit's over.
Don't forget about me.
I won't.
You have my word on that.

Hell, I've done everything
humanly possible.

At this point,
I don't see any alternative.

Your friend Cody's
gonna have to do some time.

Why is he being held
without bail?

He wants to know
and I can't give him an answer.

Suspicion of murdering
a federal agent named Jim Hart.

You told me you could arrange
an appeal bond.
