All right, I'll tell you what.
I'll take 75 K in 20s, and I'll personally
guarantee the job.
You still driving that piece of shit?
-Hey, what shit they showing tonight?
-It's that galactical warrior movie.
-I hate that space shit, man.
-It's nothing but science fiction, man.
Hey, what's going down, Reuben?
They're gonna move on somebody.
-Yeah? Somebody getting whacked out?
Don't know who, huh?
Could be anybody.
Just keep an eye out.
-Am I being hit, man?
-I don't know. It's someone over here.
-Son of a bitch.
You're mine, motherfucker.
-Come here, I got something for your ass.
-It's for you!
Come here! Get him!
Shag his ass!
Hold it! Lay low!
Get off me!
Help me!
-How you doing?
-Hello. Room three.