-What happened to your daughter?
-She was in a park, and this little monkey--
Rozanne Brown is a black woman.
She's recuperating from a fall
she took from a bicycle near USC.
She's married. Her husband is listed
as serving time...
...for armed robbery
at San Luis Obispo Prison.
I think you ought to let us
take a look at you.
I don't have a lot of time.
I'm in the middle of a trial.
-What kind of trial?
-It's a dope case.
A client got busted smuggling
50 pounds of cocaine.
I should be able to get him off.
The search warrant's weak.
The color of the house is listed as brown
on the warrant...
...when, in fact, it's beige and yellow.
You should be ashamed
of yourself.
I don't make any apologies
for being an attorney.
If I didn't accept the case, somebody else
would without a doubt.
Without a doubt.
It's too bad about Jim Hart.
Masters has been calling me
in the middle of the night...
...trying to order me around
like I was one of his mules.
The other day he even had
the balls to threaten me.
The man's an animal.
Frankly, being house counsel
for Rick Masters...
...doesn't sit very well with me.
I've had it up to here,
as a matter of fact.
Good for you.
How bad do you and your friend
want him?