All right.
I start as soon as
I get a down payment.
In this case, I'll take
30,000 up front...
-...and the rest on delivery.
Everybody knows Rick Masters
won't go near a job without front money.
You should also know that I've never
fucked a customer out of his front money.
I've been coming to this gym three
or four times a week for five years.
I'm an easy man to find.
My reputation speaks for itself.
The fact is, that if you can't
come up with the front money...
...you're not for real.
No way I can get you
30 K to make a buy.
You'd hear laughter
all the way from Washington.
Masters beats the government
out of that much in a day.
We've got a chance for a hand-to-hand
buy which he cannot beat in court.
You're not the first agents
to get next to Masters.
He always asks for big front money.
Nobody ever approves it,
and he stays on the street.
The limit for buys is 10 grand.
I don't make the rules.
Look, you could get this
approved if you wanted to.
You violated section 302.5.
The manual says:
''The agents must notify
the agent in charge''...
...that's me, ''of all
ongoing investigations.''
You violated this section, and
I'm not gonna cover your ass.
-Yeah, well, I'm not asking you to.
-You lost a federal prisoner!
And I want Cody back!
Where the hell were you?
-He wasn't with me, all right?
-Why not?
Look, I lost him.
I'll get him back.
Thank you, Gilbert.
I think we should have offered
Masters the 10 grand.
I think we should have offered
Masters the 10 grand.
-I bet he'd have gone for it.
-Never happen, Johnny.
Let me try something on you.
Yeah, what?
Ruth tells me there's a guy coming in
Thursday to buy stolen diamonds.