To Live and Die in L.A.

He's gonna be carrying
$50,000 cash.

So, what do you think?
What do I think about what?
The guy comes in Thursday,
Union Station.

No muss, no fuss.
If everything doesn't look like
a piece of cake, we just walk away.

-Jesus! You gotta be kidding.
-When you came to me, I told you...

...that I was gonna get Masters
and I didn't give a shit how I did it.

-So now you want to commit a robbery?
-I wouldn't call it that.

What would you call it?
Taking down a douche bag
who's trying to break the law.

-If it turns to shit?
-We say, ''Fuck it,'' walk away.

The front money is the only way
to get Masters to print.

I don't give a shit. I won't pull a heist.
I don't care.

-He's a fence.
-Who do you think I am?

If he gets ripped off,
he can't call the police.

Why don't you just blow his brains out?
That's what you want to do anyway.

All I'm asking you to do is drive the car.
Steal real money to buy counterfeit
money? How's that gonna look in court?

-His word against ours.
-His lawyer is Bob Grimes.

-It's Masters' word against ours.
-You got a couple of screws loose, pal.

Listen, I say we go to Bateman
one more time.

Oh, fuck Bateman. He's a pencil-neck.
He's out to save his ass.

I think you're pushing it too fast. We can--
It's happening Thursday.
We gotta go down in 24 hours.

My father was a cop, brother's a cop.
You're ask--

Give me a break!
You got the wrong guy, okay?
You got the wrong guy.

You're right I got the wrong guy, pal.
You ain't my partner.

You ain't even my fucking friend.
Let me give you a piece of advice:

You better get into protection...
...because you ain't shit on
the street, you understand?

You ain't got the nuts!
Kiss my ass!
Pussy motherfucker.
