We're looking for a suspect.
We got reason to believe
he's still in the neighborhood.
I want the little boy to take a look at him.
You have no right to keep us here.
Yes, I do. Your son
is a material witness to a homicide.
You don't understand.
We want nothing to do with your laws.
Doesn't surprise me.
A lot of people I meet are like that.
What did he say?
He asked who you are. Your name.
I told him we didn't need
to know anything about you.
Book. John Book.
Hey, man, where're you hiding?
Have a seat.
Young blood, where're you going?
Looking good, T-Bone.
- Hey, man, how're you doing?
- What the fuck?
- I'll sue you, man!
- Gotta get his arm. Let's get his arm.
Is this the man, Sam? Is this him?
You sure?
- Back off.
- You listen to me.
I want no further part of this,
nor does my son.
Okay. Get back in the car.
Honest mistake, all right.