This is a loaded gun. This is very dangerous.
Never, ever...
touch a loaded gun.
Now I'm taking the bullets out,
now it's safe. Okay?
Okay, Mr. Book.
Look, call me John.
I just don't want you to get hurt.
I don't mean to yell at you.
I just don't want you to get hurt.
Look, it's all right for you to look at it now,
it's unloaded. It's safe.
You want to handle it,
you can handle it while I'm here...
but that, that's not right.
Samuel, wait for me downstairs.
John Book, while you're in this house,
I insist that you respect our ways.
Here, take it.
Put it somewhere where it's safe.
Where he won't find it.
This gun of the hand
is for the taking of human life.
We believe it is wrong to take life.
That is only for God.
Many times the wars have come...
and people have said to us...
you must fight, you must kill.
It is the only way to preserve the good.
But, Samuel...
there is never only one way. Remember that.
Would you kill another man?