
I would only kill a bad man.
Only the bad man, I see.
And you know these bad men by sight?
You are able to look into their hearts
and see this badness?

I can see what they do.
I have seen it.
And having seen, you've become
one of them. Don't you understand?

What you take into your hands...
you take into your heart.
"Wherefore come out from among them...
"and be ye separate...
"saith the Lord...
"and touch not the unclean thing. "
Go and finish your chores now.
Yes, Grandfather.
- Enjoying your reading?
- Oh, yeah.

Learning a lot about manure.
Very interesting.
What's that?
Your clothes are stained with blood.
I have them soaking. You can wear these.
- They your husband's?
- Yes.

It's good that someone
can have the use of them.

Besides, in your clothes,
you'd stand out to strangers.

I should tell you that this kind of coat
doesn't have buttons.

- Hooks and eyes.
- Something wrong with buttons?

Buttons are hochmut.
Proud, vain, it's not plain.
