Second of all, I will find out
who did this to our restaurant.
I will have to go to Thailand and put up a
good fight with Ban Sung for our goods.
Then there is
the matter with the Italians.
It is perhaps time to consider
ending the old arrangement with them.
Do like they do! Sell directly
to the blacks and Puerto Ricans.
We can make
more money that way.
Right, Uncle Bin, let's not waste time.
We'll just do it ourselves, right?
- Good morning.
- Good morning, Chief.
- Good morning.
- Good morning, Frank.
- Morning, Commissioner.
- Morning, Commissioner.
Anything to tell me on the Wild West
show at the Shanghai Palace last night?
Yes, sir.
Our information is that it was an East
Broadway gang. We're checking on it.
I wouldn't bet on that information, sir.
You know something we don't know?
No, sir. It's just that our street information
in Chinatown hasn't been right so far.
We're the last ones
to know what's goin' on there.
The important thing is that both punks
were hit, and it'll be hard for them to hide.
And if I can get to them, and I will,
then I got one hand on their balls.
Captain White is speaking for himself, sir.
I don't care who he's speaking for.
I know this. These punks are whacking
out people left and right. Tourists!
I just got my ass chewed out by
the mayor, who is mighty pissed off.
And so am I. What the hell has happened
to Chinatown? It was never like this.
The causes of this run deep.
Be that as it may, I want this crap
stopped, and I want it stopped now!
Or heads are going to roll. Am I
making myself clear to you people?
Yes, boss.
You want some fast results
and no bullshit.