Come on!
You people!
You can take off your shoes.
Right here. Go look.
Get a flashlight.
You're a good man, Tony.
Not too many of you left.
I know. You don't have to tell me. I know!
All good men gone - long time.
Everything change.
Young people, no respect.
Steal, shoot, kill. Like white man.
Chinese man is not afraid to work hard.
I work 40 years here.
I put every dollar in
Chase Manhattan Bank.
Young people have no respect no more.
Old men afraid. Not me.
Not me.
I been here long time.
I have seen many things. I see things
lot of people don't even think I see.
Tony, there should be more men like you.
I have no money
and no husband.
All I want is to find her a college.
But I can't find work,
so I can't support her education.
I understand your situation.
You don't have to worry any more.
I have talked to Tina about this fall...
Please forgive me.
I had no one else to turn to.
I understand. Don't worry any more.
I've arranged for Tina
to attend Columbia this fall.
Stop worrying, OK?
Thank you.
Tina, it was difficult for
your mother to come to me.