Year of the Dragon

Perhaps the general
doesn't recognise you.

The general likes heroin in his soup.
Keeps him happy.
Thank all gods, he feels no pain.
Come, Go Joey.
A kalashnikov!
Best rifle ever made.

The Russians used to give them
to us to fight the Burmese,

but now it's harder to get.
They want dollars.

Everybody wants dollars.
One bullet, by the time it gets to me,
costs me one American dollar.

Dollars are like small fish:
Difficult to catch, but not to be thrown
back, except as bait for something bigger.

I'll make it 4500 a kilo.
You give me 6500,
and I'll refine it to number four
right here myself.

- No, no.
- You'll have 200 keys in two weeks.

You know we can't control the quality
unless we refine it to stage four ourselves.

- We've always bought stage three.
- You don't think my dragon pearl's good?

- I have the best chemists in the world.
- Maybe.

Better than your people in Hong Kong.
But then we would be forced
to unemploy our chemists.

Go Joey, I offer you the chance of
putting your old friend out of his misery.

He was going to betray
us to the Americans.

Hold him!
Save me! Save me!
No, don't!
Don't shoot me!
You don't have
the bullet to spare.
