She said it wasn't that Chinese girl.
Connie was a bigger person than that.
She knew what was gonna happen.
You should have listened to her.
- You talked to Connie behind my back?
- Yes. I talked to Connie behind your back.
I knew Connie even longer than you.
Why shouldn't I talk to her if I want to?
You and I don't agree on anything.
That's your problem.
You're fighting the whole world.
I'm sick and tired of Vietnam
as an excuse for everything you guys do.
You act like everybody in World War II
and Korea came home to a picnic.
It wasn't. We lost 50,000 men in Korea.
We came back and nobody gave a shit.
But we fitted in. Why can't you fit in?
What is it that's so different?
I don't know what you're
talking about any more.
You know! I know you're not one of
them professional Vietnam veterans
who make a career outta groaning about
the war. You made something of yourself.
But you're still acting
like you're on a crusade.
You think you got the right to trample
over anything and everything.
We got an arrangement,
a treaty with these Chinese.
And however tarnished it is, it works.
Life is arrangement, Stanley.
Life is getting along. That's why
this neighbourhood is what it is.
That's why eight million people
every day in this city can function.
I don't want to argue with
you any more. Honest, I don't.
Take it easy.
You need anything,
you call me. You hear?
- There's always a bed at my place.
- Your arrangement is what killed Connie.