Midway around the turn for home,
Gary's Bell still in the lead.
Come on, you got them.
You got them, you got them.
Go, go!
There's Laryngitis.
Come on, come on!
Go, go, go!
I Iost.
-That's a cut.
-Spence, come on.
-Print that.
-She's supposed to be with me.
No, she is with you, Harvey.
I was just making it reaI.
AII right, everybody. That's Iunch.
Food's over by the stabIe.
-Hi there.
-I don't reaIIy think so.
-I'm NataIie.
-Spence, why haven't I heard from you?
-I'II caII you Saturday night.
Just wanna grab an appIe.
-StiII seeing that Iinebacker?
-He found your picture the other day.
-How'd he Iike it?
-He ate it.
-Did he?
Frame and aII.
Is that a new perfume there?
Yeah. It's caIIed Never Again.
Come on, Agnes. With you, '' never''
is just not part of my vocabuIary.