WiII the other ADs make sure
everyone's back from Iunch?
And if you aren't invoIved in this shot,
have a seat, be quiet.
-Keep a Iookout.
-Yeah, it's okay. Just hurry up.
Steady, Susie.
-This is the frisky one.
-In 24 hours, she'II be a Iot friskier.
Just in time for
the third race tomorrow.
That's amazing.
How come it takes so Iong?
Who am I, a research chemist?
It works. Who cares how Iong?
Hoist her taiI.
The beauty is, it don't show up in no
prerace bIood test or urine sampIe.
Okay, darIing. Up the oId kazoo.
Jeez, she aImost kicked my head off.
What wouId you do if someone shoved
something that size up your rear end?
See you at the finish Iine, sweetheart.
Hey, Binky.
Hey, Binky.
Come on.
Come on.
Come back here.