I'II get the car!
-We're ready for rehearsaI.
Okay, this horse is the most important
thing in your Iife, next to Joe.
So you Iook at the horse, but think Joe.
Now, waIk with me.
And Iooking for Joe.
Look over here, what do you see?
Nothing. No Joe. Okay.
And Iook over here.
No Joe.
Okay, now Iook straight forward.
Now Iook here.
No Joe.
I gotta see it in your eyes.
I reaIIy want you to seII
'' Iooking for Joe.''
Okay, Iook right here.
Now, what do you see?
Someone is steaIing my car.
-Come back here!
-Stop him! That's our onIy car!