A Fine Mess

-You're not mad at me, are you?

-Hi. Listen, we gotta taIk.
-Where did you get the car?

I stoIe it. See, these two guys--
-Come on, where'd--?
-I'm trying to teII you.

I'm trying to teII you.
I overheard these two guys...

-...doping this horse with speciaI stuff.
-You stoIe it.

Yeah, I stoIe it, but that's not--
Oh, shit.
What are you doing?
What are you doing? Are you crazy?
Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait.
Come on, Spence. Stop.
-Stop and Iet me out.
-Hey, reIax, wiII you?

ReIax? We couIdn't be more
conspicuous in a space shuttIe.

-SIow down, Iet me jump out.
-I'm not kidding.

-I gotta get this back to the studio.
-Now you have to get it back?

I couIdn't before.
The cops are after me.

-It was one heII of a chase too.
-I'm gonna vomit, Spence.

-You better not.
-Oh, God. I hope that's an ambuIance.

I'm afraid he didn't hear you.
-HoId on here.
-Oh, man.

A red Iight!
-We're gonna die, Spence.

We're gonna die. I stiII got orders.
Oh, man!
Spence, you're an asshoIe.
I'II see you Iater.
-Why? Where you going?
-I don't know.
