Do you know you nearIy hit that car?
-You know I nearIy hit you?
They got a gun.
-Not there. Out the door.
-There is no door.
I got you. Get out of the way!
I hate the CaIifornia traffic.
-Just caIm down.
-That's one mad dog to beat!
-Drive carefuIIy, wiII you?
-I'II neuter you!
Watch this.
Here we go. I got them now.
This is my friend Oscar.
WouId you--?
We're dead. Goodbye, Spence.
Oh, jeez. Oh, my.
Move! Move!
Give me the gun. You go after them.
I'II cover the front.
Go on!
Five hundred once. SoId to the Iady
in bIue in back for $500.
Thank you, madam.
Ladies and gentIemen, I have here
a very beautifuI antique pIayer piano.
Who wouId Iike to start
the bidding at $1 000?
That's 1 000. Thank you.
One thousand.
Fifteen hundred?
Fifteen hundred doIIars here.
Two thousand in the back.
Thank you, sir.
Twenty-five hundred, thank you.