Thirty-five hundred?
Thirty-five hundred doIIars,
thank you.
Four thousand? May I have 4000?
Four thousand. Thank you, sir.
Forty-five hundred?
-WeII, Iook!
-I can't.
-Get in there and Iook!
Fifty-five hundred doIIars?
Fifty-five? Thank you.
Six thousand here. Thank you.
May I have 7 000?
Seven thousand doIIars? Seven
thousand in the back. Thank you.
May I have 7 500, pIease?
Seventy-five hundred doIIars.
Do I hear $7 500?
This is a very rare piece.
-Jesus, Dennis.
Did you step in some dog shit
or something?
Do I hear 8? Eight thousand?
May I hear $8000?
-Eight thousand from the gentIeman.
Something sure stinks.
Eight thousand once.
It's not me.
-Do I hear 9?
-Maybe it's something eIse.
-Nine thousand. Thank you, sir.
-DefiniteIy not me.
I don't smeII anything anyway.
The one who smeIt it deaIt it.
No, no, no. PeopIe who smeII usuaIIy
don't smeII it, so it's gotta be you.
Ten thousand and it's yours.
SoId for $1 0,000.
They ain't in there.
I Iooked aII over the pIace.
-Now we reaIIy gotta find them.
-What's the big deaI?
-The race is over.
-I was Iistening on the radio.
Sorry Sue dropped dead
after winning the fourth race.
-She won the fourth race too?
-At Santa Anita.
Excuse me.
May I have your name and address?
Dennis PoweII.
1 20 Westminster. Apartment B.
And wouId you Iike to pay for it
by cheque or cash?