A Fine Mess

You! You!
I teII you, one of these days,
I reaIIy am gonna tear out your tongue.

Where is the car?
AII right, Iet me understand
something, okay?

You're teIIing me
somebody stoIe your car.

WeII, yeah. And you know, Binky
thinks it was those two guys.

WeII, I'II teII you something,
you better go find them two guys.

Because if they finger you,
then the cops might tie you to me.

And then if you don't go
get rid of them...

...then I got no choice,
I gotta go get rid of you.

-What is that?
-I toId you not to buy that!

But, boss, you Iike antiques.
This is a reaI art deco.

Never heard of the bum!
Get rid of that.
Not that! That!
Come on, Bink, we gotta go.
AII right, boss, see you.

What are you gonna do with the car?
Drive it untiI we seII the piano
and I can afford another.

You're crazy. What wiII you do if you
get a ticket or get into an accident?

What if the Russians invade Pasadena?
Come on, Dennis, I'm hungry. PIease.

Here we go. Here.
