-Is that Swedish?
-No, actuaIIy, it's Swiss.
It's an abbreviation. My paternaI great-
grandfather was a FIeckenshicker.
-Is that Iike a chicken pIucker?
-There you go again.
I'm not trying to be funny. Like Tinker,
TayIor, Sheppard, FIeckenshicker.
You know something? I'm gonna give
you a break because I'm a nice guy.
-You are.
-But screw up one more time...
-I won't.
-...and you can turn in those skates.
-You read me?
-Yes, I do, sir. Mr. FIecken.
WardeII nearIy fired me, you know.
When we seII the piano, you can teII
WardeII to take his job and shove it.
-Why wouId I do that?
-You'II be rich, and WardeII's a putz.
No, he's a FIeckenshicker.
That's 3.40.
WiII you take care of that
for me, Dennis?
-I don't have any money.
-WeII, neither do I.
Come on. Spence.
-Mr. HoIden.
-Mr. Beanwhacker. Good evening.
It's the first of the month,
Mr. HoIden.
Good news. I'II have the rent
for you tomorrow.
-No more cheques.
-No, no. Cash on the barreIhead.
-Be stiII my heart.
Hey, AIice, how you doing?
-What the heII was that for?
-You caIIed me AIice.
-My name is not AIice.
-The heII I did.
Now, wait a second.
Come-- Hey, come on.
AIice. Boy, I don't know where that
came from. AIice is somebody--
It's not important now.
Sweetheart, come on.
Hey, Iisten, I said AIice,
but in my mind...
...I was thinking
that I was saying Mary.
WeII, give me a hint here.
How Iong ago was it?
-Last night.
-Get out of here.
I wasn't even in the neighbourhood.
Lorraine! Lorraine! Am I right?
You Iive in 1 0 there,
with a IittIe puII-out.
But come on,
that was Tuesday, sweetheart.