Jesus, that was--
WeII, heII, it's Friday now.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
That was three days ago. What--?
No, by God, it was Monday.
Four days ago.
What the heII does she expect?
Fargo the Memory Wizard?
What a day.
And here she is
shattering the world record...
... for a mile and an eighth
by an incredible 30 lengths.
--Darling Tim.
Sorry Sue maintains that huge lead.
They come to the wire.
Darling Tim making a bid for second...
...along with Violet's First
as they come toward the finish.
It's Sorry Sue in complete control,
winning by some 30 lengths.
This evening, Ken Hanson talk ed with
county veterinarian Dr. Henry Garfurg.
You performed an autopsy
on Sorry Sue.
And you ascertained
that she had been drugged?
-To the eyeballs.
-With what?
We're not sure yet.
Some kind of dynamite stimulant.
She ran the last quarter at Santa Anita
backwards and still won by a tail.
-Who do you think drugged her?
-That's not my department.
I tried to talk to
Captain Sean Swelter...
... who is in charge
of the Sorry Sue investigation...
...but I was told that Captain Swelter
was not available to mak e a statement.
A press conference is scheduled
for 1 0 a.m. tomorrow.
Now back to you, Karen.
Thank you.
We'll be sure to k eep you up to date...
... on the latest developments
in this case.
HeIIo, my name is Spence HoIden,
and I'd Iike to report my car stoIen.
Just a few minutes ago.
And I've been in aII day.
Spencer HoIden?
Boy, yeah.
Can you hoId one second?
-Do you own a yeIIow VW?
-Yes. Yes, I do.
As a matter of fact,
I was just reporting it stoIen here.
-Oh, may I?
PoIice Iieutenant Hunker,
CentraI Division.
Did Mr. HoIden just report
his car stoIen?