Oh, no. You shouIdn't. I mean, I'm gIad.
It's time for me to move up.
Someday, I wanna open up
my own takeout-food restaurant.
What's your favourite kind of food?
Your very favourite.
-You mean Iike buffaIo?
No. Like East Indian.
Like curry, right?
That wouId be originaI.
Indian takeouts.
I can caII it ''Ghandi's.''
Curry wouId be our speciaIty.
You wanna come upstairs?
-For a minute?
-Just for a drink?
Damn it, Dennis,
where the heII are you?
-Sorry to bother you again.
-That's okay. How you been?
Fine. Just fine.
Mr. Beanwhacker says he saw you
come in around 7.
Yeah, right. I had just discovered
that my car had been stoIen...
...and I was coming back up
to report it to the cops, the poIice.
Mr. Beanwhacker
says he came here twice...
...once in the morning, once around
3 in the afternoon, to coIIect the rent.
And, weII, he said no one was in.
WeII, I didn't answer the door
because I didn't have the rent.
How did you know
it was Mr. Beanwhacker?
That's easy. Mr. Beanwhacker visits
his tenants the first of every month.
If he doesn't coIIect rent
in the morning...
...he comes back up in the afternoon.
You guys shouId check around.
I bet I'm not the onIy person
who didn't answer his door today.
One thing I gotta say for you,
Mr. HoIden...
...you sure come up
with good answers, and fast.
-It's easy when you're teIIing the truth.
-Or if you're a good actor.
-See you around.
-Yeah, weII, thank you.
You better be there.