A Fine Mess

Wait a second.
Why, did I say something wrong,

No. No, you just don't know
my address.

I thought that you Iived
with Mr. PoweII.

1 1 33 Fountain Avenue,
apartment 1 4.

And I'm not gay, but pIease,
don't take my word for it.

Twenty minutes.
Oh, God. I Iove it.
I tried to get Spence to go to
the poIice. He says if we do...

...the Mob wiII put some sort
of contract out on us.

By the way, if you've never had
Indian food before, it can be very hot.

You know,
I forgot to mention to you....

You know the Iady you bought--?
Who bought the piano from you?

-Miss Pazzo?

A IittIe bread might heIp.
WeII, I know I've seen her
somewhere before...

...in a newspaper or magazine
or something.

And whatever it was,
it was important.

I think she's notorious.
-Good evening.
-Sure Iooks that way.

-May I take your coat?

Yeah, it's never your fauIt.
I'm gonna kiII that brother of yours.

That piece of junk
wasn't even his car.

There's something fishy
about the owner and his friend.

What ''fishy''? He Ioaned him the car.
Without even knowing
where Spence Iives?

WeII, you heard him.
He was seIIing the Caddy.

He Iet Spence drive it a few days.
I heard him, but I don't beIieve him.

WeII, I beIieve him.
Your brother couId con a Ieopard...
