About Last Night...

So? Tell me about last night.
Are you kidding me?
Are you pulling my leg?

- So?
- So tits out to here.

- Some 20 years old.
- You must be fooling. You devil.

You think she hadn't gone the route?
- She knew the route, did she?
- Are you kidding? She wrote the route.

- So where am l?
- Probably at the Pancake House.

I'm over at the Pancake House, and this
chick walks over to the cash register.

19 or 20 years old.
She wants to buy a pack of Viceroys.

She gets the smokes and says
she forgot her purse up in her room.

- Was she a pro?
- At that age?

At this point, we don't know.
So we sit down and get coffee
and she says:

"Come up to my room
and I'll pay you back for the smokes."

- You're shitting me. Was she a pro?
- At this point, we don't know.

She says, "sit down, you want a drink?"
I say, "what have you got?" "Bourbon."

Then what shot does she pull?
A) she says:
"I think I'll take a shower".

- And B) she says: "Then let's fuck."
- She said that?

- Was she a pro?
- At this point, we don't know.

So I say: "I'll join you in the shower,
if you have no objections".

So in we go, and does she have a body?
Are you kidding me? The tits. The legs.

Are you fucking fooling me?
The ass on this broad.

- Young ass?
- Well, young broad, young ass.

So we get out and towel each other off
in his and her full glory.
