Pick a pair.
Like shooting fish in a barrel.
- We do pretty well for ourselves.
- We? Did you say "we"?
You've got balls.
I do the work, you take the credit.
You know what your problem is?
Your face.
Come on, you're too good-looking.
Girls go out with you and get nervous.
They feel dumpy,
they don't want to compete.
They want a guy like ... Iike me.
A guy who'll make them look good.
- A basic Neanderthal type.
- The swarthy type. A man's man.
- The kind of guy who's ...
- Oozing testosterone?
A young woman today
wants a little bulk in her diet.
A big guy who sweats.
Best thing that could happen to you
is an industrial accident.
- You're not leaving, are you?
- No, we're walking in backwards.
- I'm Debbie.
- Hi ... Dan.
This is Joan, my roommate.
She specializes in unsolicited attacks.
We're going to lrving's.
A 4 o'clock dive for us Kamikaze pilots.
I've been bombed there
a couple of times myself.
Quit while you're ahead.
I couldn't help noticing you
and noticing you noticing me.
There was a clock over your head.