About Last Night...

I know you did what you could.
In here.
Are you going to play basketball?
- Could I show you this first ...
- Could you clean up some of this shit?

- Did you get a turkey for tomorrow?
- No, I got a ham.

You can't have ham for Thanksgiving,
you have to have a turkey.

You'll have turkey sandwiches
until Easter.

- I told Bernie we'd have turkey.
- You asked Bernie?

- He's my friend.
- Then I'll ask Joan.

- They'll be at each other's throats.
- Then don't invite her.

- I will, she's my friend.
- Suit yourself.

- Did I do something wrong?
- No.

I went back to work today
with my goddam tail between my legs.

I'll leave you alone.
I don't care what you did
or who you were with.

I would have appreciated a call
and maybe a little help today.

- I'm hung over, so shoot me.
- Don't tempt me.
