Don't worry about it.
I'll take care of it.
I worry about it.
If you're thinkin'
you're too cool to boogie
Boy, oh, boy
have I got news for you
Everybody here tonight
must boogie
And right there,
sitting on my lap...
was the most beautiful woman
you guys ever seen in your life.
Mm-hmm. Beautiful? She was a hooker.
She wasn't a hooker.
She was a... architect.
Oh, boogie
Boogie no more
some big firm in Philly.
You can't boogie no more
boogie no more
Listen to the music except
for the assholes and the faggots,
I'm the richest son of a bitch
in this county.
Mind if I sit down?
I want you to taste something
'cause I saw you sitting there.
Yeah, see now.
Private stock.
There's no time to waste
Let's get this show
on the road
Were you here last week, hustling? No.
I thought I saw you last week. Wait just
a minute. I need some I.D. on the lady.
I shall return.
The sooner we begin
Get outta here.
Andy, that's my son.
Hell, Brad, I can't
- Yeah, this girl, she's 23.
Listen to the music
and let your body move
Dad, this is Terry.
You treat my boy right.
I will.
I do.
Come on. Sit down.
Make yourself at home.